The Hands of a Mother
Written by Larry and Mary Sue Eck, an incredibly moving tribute to mom.
Dearest Mother, please hold out your hands and look at them.
These are the hands that first held your child as you gazed in awesome wonder at this precious gift of God's love.
These are the hands that reached out to steady and encourage your child as small legs took their first steps into an unknown world.
These are the hands that clasped those chubby, dimpled hands as you first taught your child to pray.
These are the hands that fed and clothed your child, cooked and laundered, ironed and cleaned, sewed and shopped, times too numerous to count or to remember.
These are the hands that held your hurting child as you kissed away cuts and bruises, comforted during illness, soothed hurt feelings from playmates and helped change sadness into joy again.
These are the hands that waved good-bye and were sometimes bathed in tears at those important moments in your child's life: the first day of kindergarten, grade school, high school, college, marriage.
Through the years these are the hands that, with a hurting, anguished plea for your child, reached out in prayer to grasp the nail-scarred hands of Jesus.
These are the hands that, in molding the faith of a child, have shaped and changed the world.
On this special day, may you receive blessings in equal measure to the love you have given your child - the love you have given to me. I am so grateful - I am so blessed that God made you my own beloved mother.
Print size is 8½ x 11. Navy blue type on cream paper. (This is a print only; we suggest a silver or wood tone matted 11 x 14 frame.)
A truly wonderful Mother's Day or anytime gift.