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Jesus Appeals to the World - From the Writings of Sr. Consolata Betrone

Jesus Appeals to the World - From the Writings of Sr. Consolata Betrone


By Lorenzo Sales, IMC.  Servant of God, Sister Maria Consolata Betrone, (1903 - 1946), was born on April 6, 1903, in Saluzzo, Italy. Her parents named her Pierina. The second of six daughters, she lived a normal family life. At the age of thirteen, she dedicated herself to the Blessed Mother on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. After receiving Holy Communion, Pierina heard within her the words of Jesus, "Do you want to be entirely Mine?" She answered, "Yes," to Jesus, and on February 28, 1930, entered the Order of Franciscan Capuchins in Turin, Italy, taking the name of Sister Maria Consolata. The name, Consolata, means consoler, and it was Jesus who invited her to become the consoler of His Sacred Heart. She died a holy death on July 18, 1946, at the age of forty-three.

Sister Consolata received inner locutions from Jesus, which would become her mission in life. Jesus said to her, "I do not call you for more than this: an act of continual love." This was to be her vocation by God like that of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus.

Sister Consolata's mission continues today in a world which desperately needs spiritual renewal. Her "Littlest Way of Love" is summarized in the following three points:

          1) To offer an unceasing act of love from the heart

          2) To have a smiling "yes" for everyone; to see and treat Jesus in everyone

          3) To have a grateful "yes" for every divine request

Jesus promises the Littlest Ones who choose to walk on this path of love: I will think of everything, even to the least detail; you must think only of loving me! Jesus also taught Sister Consolata the words of the Act of Love which warmed His Heart, "Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!"

When I first read this book, I thought, "I want to be one of these Littlest Ones!" What attracted me to this way of life was Jesus' promise to think of everything. I am kept very busy between family and work obligations, and I often feel there are not enough hours in the day. Also, I wish to help Jesus and Mary save souls: the souls in my family (including my own), the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and those souls who have not yet come to know the love of God. And so, I began. Every time I would start dwelling on useless thoughts/worries, I would remind myself that Jesus will take care of it. And throughout the day, I would whisper in my heart, "Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save souls!"

I have seen Jesus' promise in my life. The past month or so, I have been making an effort to attend daily Mass. My mom had bought me a beautiful daily missal as a Christmas gift. I wanted to buy a zipped cover for my missal, but had not been able to find one that fit it properly. One morning, I pulled into the church parking lot for Mass, and as I parked, I noticed a woman carrying her missal in a blue "bible cover," just like the cover we sell at the Marian Center. "Wow!," I thought, "I can keep my missal in a bible cover. Jesus, thank you, for taking care of this for me. You do think of everything, even the little things."

As I write this review, I am carrying several crosses in my life. You understand because you also carry crosses. It's hard to pray because I am too tired. But, I realized that I may be too tired for vocal prayer, but I am never too tired to simply love Jesus. So, I have given all of my crosses to Jesus. He will take care of everything, to the littlest detail. I tell Blessed Mother and Him that I love them, and do my best to love the people in my life. I trust.

In a letter to the Littlest Ones of the Heart of Jesus, Sister Consolata wrote, "Copy the words of Jesus out under an image of the Sacred Heart ('I will think of everything...'), and do it in such a way that they will always be in sight. They will be a great help to you in freeing your spirit from all preoccupation, and you will experience in yourself how faithfully Jesus keeps His promise." She also said, "Arrange to have before you, if possible, while you work an image or a card with the words: 'Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!' This will serve as a reminder to you."

We have followed Sister Consolata's suggestion and have designed a card with the beautiful promise of Jesus. It reads, "I will think of everything, even to the least detail; you must think only of loving me!" Also, "Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!" There is an indulgence of 300 days for reciting this ejaculatory prayer. Place these cards in your home, your car, and your workplace. Use them as bookmarks. Give them out to family and friends. Just think of the many souls that are being saved by Jesus with your help.

I hope that "Jesus Appeals to the World" changes your life, just as it is changing mine. The book, which has the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur from the Church, gives you background on Sister Consolata's life, messages she received from Jesus, and how to live an Act of Perfect Love. It also includes a prayer for obtaining graces through the intercession of Sister Consolata.

Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!

Softcover, 208 pages.



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