The Hands of a Father
This beautiful reflection begins, "Dearest Father, please hold out your hands and look at them. These are the hands that held me with such pride and gratitude the day God placed me in your care. These are the hands that reached down to take my hand as you walked beside me in those early years, protecting me, teaching me, encouraging me." ...
And ends with, "These hands that formed me through the years: I learned the forgiveness of my Heavenly Father because you forgave me no matter what I did. I learned the unconditional love of my Heavenly Father because you loved me without conditions. I discovered I am a special child of God because you showed me how special I am to you, as your child.
Today, I ask Him to bless you with His Love as you have blessed me with yours. I am so grateful - I am so blessed that God made you my own beloved Father."
Written by Larry and Mary Sue Eck. Drawing by Christi Campise.
Print size is 8½ x 11 and only $5.00!
Frame and give to your beloved father - an absolutely wonderful gift!