The Hands of Matrimony
This beautiful reflection begins, "Beloved wife, take your husband's hands and look at them: These are the hands, young and strong and vibrant with love that held yours on your wedding day, as he promised to love you all the days of his life. These are the hands that you placed with expectant joy against your stomach, until he, too, felt his child stir within your womb.
And goes on... "Beloved husband, please take you wife's hands and look at them: These are the hands that held yours as she gave you her pledge to love you and accepted your ring on your wedding day. These are the hands that were smooth and young and carefree then, but lined and rougher now from thousands of dishes washed, tons of laundry cleaned, and hundreds of meals prepared. These are the hands that are nicked and burned from knives and irons, hot skillets and pans.
And ends with, "Beloved couple: These are the hands of the Sacrament of Matrimony. These four hands are your armor and shield against the evils of the world. These four hands are God's plan for renewing His Church. These are the hands that will reach out to the teenager, bring hope to the lonely, teach the engaged the wonders of married love, heal the abused and hurting children of the world. These hands are the hope of a troubled humanity. These are the hands that will change the world."
Written by Larry and Mary Sue Eck and Father Tom Burr. Drawing by Christi Campise.
Print size is 8½ x 11 and only $5.00!
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